ASIS News quindicinale di comunicazione e informazione scolastica

Genitori vittime dei propri figli
Bulli tra le mura domestiche

Assis News Anno IX numero 19
15 novembre 2010
Secondo una recente indagine de La Repubblica del 21 ottobre 2010
Filomena Iaquinandi

Francisco Mele “A seguito di queste affermazioni, sottolinea l’emergenza indicando la necessità di un «Telefono Azzurro per familiari maltrattati da adolescenti, un call center che almeno li informi su quello che possono fare per difendersi». Continua a leggere

Figli cattivi

Figli cattivi
21 ottobre 2010 — pagina 46 sezione: CULTURA
Luciana Sica

Mele non teme l’ allarmismo: «La situazione è molto grave. Credo che ormai siano intorno al 10 per cento i ragazzi pronti al “ceffone di ritorno”. La vittima preferita è la madre, anche per l’ eclissi non solo simbolica della figura paterna. Ma non vengono risparmiati gli stessi padri, i fratelli e addirittura i nonni… Tanto che ormai sarebbe necessario un Telefono Azzurro per familiari maltrattati dagli adolescenti, un call center che almeno li informi su quello che possono fare per difendersi» Continua a leggere



Rassegna stampa
n ° 05 / 2007
novembre – dicembre
Comune di Bologna
Settore Coordinamento Sociali e Salute
U.I. Servizi per adulti
Servizio di informazione e documentazione interno

a cura di Cristina Bondi
La rassegna stampa vuole essere un contributo informativo e di documentazione al dibattito, i contenuti riportati non riflettono necessariamente le posizioni in materia del Settore servizi sociali del Comune di Bologna” Continua a leggere

Vienna NGO Committee on the Family <>

December 2004, No. 52/ 53 Deadline for contributions:.1st. March 2005

Vienna NGO Committee on the Family

A prevention model: the “trialogic”

By Francisco Mele

During the second phase of adolescence, both the family and the school system are brought into question. Adolescents need to break off the vital world and the systems, but also need to feel themselves as members of a group. The family and the school system should be present as adolescents start to build their selves without hindering their incipient process toward autonomy; the “trialogic” proposal tries to involve three actors – the adolescent, the family and the school – in the prevention project.

This model is aimed at getting close to the adolescent through the peer-education approach. For this purpose, undergraduate trainees are trained and used to carry out interventions in classes, with students that are almost of the same age as they.

A second level of intervention involves the teachers, through the participation of CeIS operators and undergraduate and specializing trainees. Undergraduate trainees collaborate with the operator appointed to the CIC (Information and Counselling Centers) for students of intermediate and high schools. The specializing trainees have the task to get hold of the families and to establish a family counselling center in schools.

The work done in CICs and in family counselling centers is aimed at identifying the obstacles that could prevent communication among the actors involved in the educational process. It is based on working with homogeneous and heterogeneous groups, in order to understand needs and difficulties faced by students and to prepare them to meet their family and teachers at school.

After that, workgroups with teachers are carried out, with the purpose of analyzing the relationship of them with their students and with the school as institution. Teachers are also prepared to hold meetings with students and their families.
Likewise, the workgroups with parents provide them the opportunity to discuss about specific topics, such as their expectations toward their children, how they figure out their future and what the school should do to support them.
These three types of meetings should subsequently come together in heterogeneous groups, formed by parents, students and teaches. Finally, their results should be presented during a general meeting where students, teachers and families are expected to participate. It would be advisable to choose a few classes that would act as sample and driving force, for instance, a couple of classes of the first and last but one year.
However, it will be necessary to prepare some survey forms. These forms will be kept in the school and will allow to compare data from one year to another. Data collected in the first year may be easily compared with those collected in the following years, as the sample is represented by the same students. The meetings’ contents should be jointly prepared by operators and teachers, so that the latter are involved in the survey methods and will be able to continue the work after project completion.
It would be advisable to train parents and operators on the preparation of contents, in order to have a well-established group of families and teachers in the school. In this way, the family counselling center can be managed by parents with the support of teachers.

Contact: Francisco Mele

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Genitori tossicodipendenti

L “Introduzione”
al libro “GENITORI TOSSICODIPENDENTI” di Maria Grazia Cancrini, Sibylle Krüll, Marisa Malagoli Togliatti, Silvia Mazzoni, Francisco Mele – edito dal Centro Italiano di Solidarietà di Roma (1996 Prima edizione) – Associazione Centro Italiano di Solidarietà di Roma, Via Attilio Ambrosini 129, 00147 Roma – Tel. 06/54.19.51; Fax 06/540.73.04. (Per gentile autorizzazione 27.05.1996). Continua a leggere